Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The War on "Terrorism"

I believe that we should pull our troops out of the middle east and end this "war" immediately. There is no reason to remain in Iraq. The reason this war was started was because we need a scapegoat for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Immediately after the 9/11 bombing, we wished to go to war against those responsible for the bombing but had no idea who did it. We only went to war against the "terrorism" in Iraq because the president told us they were responsible.

The president picked the middle east as the attacker because it was "suspected" that Osama bin Ladin was behind the attacks and was taking refuge there. While in the middle east we also fought Saddam Hussein's armies as well. While I believe that we should do what we can to stop terror, I also believe that we should think rationally about what to do before taking such a dramatic step as war.

I believe that a deciding factor in going to war against "terrorism" in the middle east was because that is where most of our oil comes from. By fighting "terrorism" in the middle east, we protect president Bush's investment in the oil. And because he is still president, we continue to fight this costly war which really gets us nothing.

When we fought World War II was fought, it was to prevent Adolf Hilter from taking over Europe and the spread of Communism. We got involved when Japan, one of Hitler's allies, bombed a U.S. outpost, Pearl Harbor. It was with our help that we stopped Adolf Hitler and it cost us roughly $600 billion. It was well spent to prevent Hilter from ruling Eurasia.

This war in the middle east is costing us around $500 billion against an enemy that we believe was responsible for the 9/11 bombings. However, we started this war because president Bush said they were responsible. It seems like a really bad idea to continue this war based on the word of a power hungry president who has shown us time and time again that he has made bad decisions in the past.

1 comment:

Shahid said...

I totally believe what you said in your article. Our President made huge bad decision about going to flight in Iraq. When alqaeda took the responsibility of the 9/11, then Saddam Hussain or any other Iraqi people never said that we were behide the 9/11. The main reason why President Bush went for war in Iraq was maybe President Bush's dad ( the former president George Bush) had some issues about Sadddam, offcourse for oil. When Clinton was the President, I don't even think most of the people knew about al qaeda. I do agree that Saddam Hussain was bad person, and whatever he did in his country was miserable. I agree with you about bringing our troops back as soon as possible. Lots of innocent troops and Iraqi people are being killed for no reason. We definetly should end this war because there are no benefits from it.